Holla Back

kelly.christine.richard@gmail.com for freelance and job opportunities.


3811 Holland Avenue
Dallas, TX, 75219
United States




Art Direction, Photography, Content Production

As a gamer myself (League of Legends is my favorite), it has been such a fun experience working with a brand and computers I grew up dreaming of playing on. From teaser videos, event wrap-ups, and Instagram stories, our team runs the social for this brand and a lot of the posts were shot and edited by me. I’ve covered Twitchcon, Gamescom, Pax West, and San Diego ComicCon to generate interesting content for our social presence in a fast-paced environment.


We also have had the opportunity to interview pro players from Team Liquid and create digital content revolving around esports and Alienware.

I got to meet one of the GOATs of League and ask him his thoughts on the upcoming Worlds 2019.

The team was sent to sunny Los Angeles to attend League of Legends match play and interview Riot and Alienware members about their relationship with esports.

We gave our pro players a first look at the new m15 Alienware laptop and Aurora desktop and let their reactions speak for themselves, while providing information on the products themselves.

This is just a glimpse of Alienware’s Instagram feed. The work consists of interviews with pro players, streamers, event photography, event wrap up videos, and animated GIFs my team and I have made over the past 2 years. Our goal was to elevate Alienware’s brand as a premium gaming product that the pros use. With products such as this, it was easy to show off the rad design, lighting effects and high refresh rate screens to make gamers crave what’s in every post.

Click through the instagram to see a range of work! There is plenty of content on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter as well. I just find it easier to look through posts on Instagram.


I even got to be on camera a few times.

ACD: Joe Welbes

AD: Myself

CW: Gissel Lagunas

Editors: Yuta Yamaguci